
Spring is in the air!

Okay, so it WAS in the air. For like 36 hours. But us Midwesterners will take it and run for that 36 hours. We had one of the warmest days in weeks- it hit 60ish. Ah boy did it feel FANTASTIC.

One thing I have come to appreciate from living in the Midwest is the weather and change of seasons. Indy is actually pretty great at getting
just enough of the seasons. Now that we've had our winter we are dying for Spring. I can't wait for sunny days where the florescent lime green baby leaves begin to unfold and the bubblegum pink blossoms start to pop. I love it.

So I planned my entire weekend around Sunday. The big day. It was going to hit 60. Greg was gone so it was me and the kiddos and off to the zoo we went. Cuz nothing makes it seem like Spring like going to the zoo. The morning was a bit colder than I would have liked, but I bundled us up in our winter gear and by lunchtime we were peeling off our layers. wooo hooo!! The place was so empty it was great.

On the way home I was looking for shorts. Seriously. I just knew someone would have them on. I found him, the jogger, sporting the shorts. I talked to my friend on the phone and she was out shopping amongst people in FLIP FLOPS. Crazy Midwesterners, thinking it's Spring or something. ;)

We got home and the babe decided the nap on the ride home was plenty. Thankfully BigBoy crashed for another hour or so. When he got up we all went outside for some more "Spring Air". I opened all the windows and organized the garage a bit. It just HAD to be Spring.

So back to my reality that is the Midwest. Today it's freezing, literally. We have freezing rain and I have frozen raindrops on our trees, trashcans and grass. Oh, hark! I just heard thunder. I guess Spring was just teasing us. Cabin fever will return will a
vengeance. Now we know what we are missing again.

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