So of course I went to Target! And Ollies (local closeout store) and Ross, and WallyWorld Can I seriously leave the house without visiting Walmart? No, not so much. I had a bunch of returns and lots of odds and ends. I wanted to get started on my Family Command Center and I grabbed school supplies from the Great Kindergarten Supply List. I also went to Panera and ate slowly, didn't have to share a stinkin' bite and drank all my own lemonade. It was fabulous. I piddled in the dollar zone. I piddled in the school supplies. I even piddled in the sports department- mainly because I had NO idea what medium sized, top floating, bass fishing lures looked like. Thankfully everyone is pretty friendly around here...
So at Panera, one of my most favorite places in the world, I sat eating my Pick-2 combo and watched the world go by from my outside bistro set chair. I thought a bit about this 30 Day Challenge notion. Did I want to do it? And what in the world would I set off to do everyday for 30 days. And finally it hit me. It was ME! I needed to focus on ME for 30 days and make that my new habit. Is it really too much to ask for 15 min. for me? So my 30 day challenge is.... drum roll:
Do something for myself for at least 15 min. everyday.
I also don't want it to involve food, like "make myself a yummy dessert, just for me" but it can be sit outside on my porch and enjoy the scenery with a glass of wine. Other ideas: take a bubble bath, read for pleasure, work-out, go for a walk, call a friend, meditate, learn how to meditate, play wii-- alone. Get the picture?
I love being with my family and doing things "as a family" but I've realized that everyone else's schedule/emergencies/problems dictate what happens in my day. I'm taking back 15 minutes dammit! everyday. For 30 days. Who's with me now??
* Photo courtesy of Gianluca Neri via Flickr.com
Fabulous. When you get to be my age you can take the whole day and night for yourself as I do most days now. I am glad you will start with 15 minutes and then after 30 days increase to 20 minutes until you get to an hour.And then you will get to enjoy it-really.I used to walk around the mall near my house for an hour at least once a week when the kids were young and I was home with them all day. I walked in and out of every store buying nothing just relaxing and enjoying my time alone.
I take my "me" time reading, exercise, long walks around our island, etc....good stuff.
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