Me and my peeps! |
I had planned to take the kids to one of my Happy Places with some friends. Polyface Farm. If you are learning about the Slow Food Movement, saw Food Inc, read Omnivores Dilemma
It's vital for kids to learn where food comes from, and the difference between feeding your body junk and good, nutritious food. I won't lie and say we eat healthy all the time, but I do try to follow an 80/20 rule of good vs. junk. And we are in the process of eating better and better each day. It's a slow, on-going process, but a process of moving in the right direction. When the munchkins know we are eating a steak, they know it's from a cow-- not just the meat section in the grocery store. They know what vegetables look like, even if they know they don't like them. We try to reinforce the the source of our food, be it an animal or a plant. I want them excited about food, and knowledgeable about food. I still cringe at Jamie Oliver's food quiz in an elementary class where the kids didn't know what vegetables looked like.
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One of my farmers! Me and Joel Salatin from last Novemeber. |
I highly encourage you to meet someone, anyone, in your area that you can buy a food product from. The Farmers' Market. A local farm. A U-Pick berry patch. Find out about the person behind the product. I'm embarking on a Know Your Farmer Tour with a friend. Challenging ourselves to not only buy local, eat organic when possible, but to also talk to the farmers whose hard work created what we get to eat. So get out there, Loyal Seven, and talk to some farmers! Tell me about it after your done. Gimme names, products, locations...
Love that you do this. I know my farmer is Trader Joe's. :)
I have to say all your talk about food has been inspiring. We just picked up our 100% grass fed beef order from SevenSons last weekend. SUCH tasty burgers! We also joined an egg buying club which delivers eggs from their range chickens with no antibiotics, no hormones, etc. As far as chicken goes we've been buying from Gunthrop Farms through our local Farm Fresh Delivery orders. I've been googling like crazy looking for a no spray strawberry luck yet. Keep up the great posts and the helfpful info!
Awesome post, Lisa.
Madge- YOU are your farmer ;) aren't you growing more this year?
Laura- Thanks! Glad you get some good info from the posts. Also, do you go to the farmer's markets? Ask someone there who is selling berries if they know where you can go. Sometimes they will let you on their farm anyway, even if they aren't U-pick. Also talk with them about how much they spray, it might only be a bit for fungus.
Clint- Thanks!! We had such a nice time!
Yes, strawberries, pole beans, regular beans, lettuce and tomatoes.
Tanaka Farms is a great place near here. I really should go there more. Also, they have a program through Joe's school where they deliver whatever's fresh (either from their farm or another co-op) once a week. Next year I'd like to find another family to hook up with to split the bounty and the cost which is I think $25 per week.
oh, also - love your new summer look :)
We tried organic food delivery on our block but the food was not great and not enough for your money. Trader Joe's is good for me.
You know I am a fan of Polyface! Love all the books too of course...really should be required reading I think. I doubt any of your readers will be local to me but just in case here is my plug for supporting one of my favorite local farms in Skagit Valley-
Fresh glass bottled Milk is a staple in our home from-
No hormones and antibiotics in their milk and there's nothing like fresh milk. I won't clog your comments page with all the local farms we visit for our berries and fresh our choices here. Plus you can't beat Farmers Markets of course. So glad you are finding all the options out there too Lisa! Such a great area also!
Madge- organic is almost always more expensive, we've all gotten a little too used to "cheap food" But it does pay to shop around. TJs is great, but I've found that even store organic doesn't compare to local organic.
Chris- splitting with a family would be great, or just take planned trips to Chino Hills for FREE bounty ;)
Jim- I concur ;)
Nikki- you are in a GREAT area. I feel pretty lucky that we are surrounded by so many options! who knew? ;)
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