I'm getting back on my wagons. It's time. We've been here for three months now. I can't claim that life is just so out of whack anymore. I'm fat. My house is a wreck. Things still don't have "homes" in our home. Time to focus.
This weekend was great. It was my hubby's bday and instead of being gone for most of the weekend, he ended up staying home for most of it. Wow! What a difference having us both home made. He wanted to be lazy and relax as much as possible. So we hung out at home and everyone (besides me) took lots of naps. We got sooo much done and were totally rested. A night of having a sitter to enjoy adult beverages and conversation on Sat. helped a lot too!
Sunday night I decided to start implementing my beloved flylady shiny sink again. (I had to take a picture for proof!) My kitchen was totally clean and clear of all clutter and dishes before I hit the hay. I woke up this a.m. and it was SO nice. I can't believe what a difference in my attitude it made. I was totally pumped and got even more done, even with the babe waking up at 6. I need to do this every night. I need to do it for me and my family. Happy mama = happy kids (most of the time). I cleaned even more, decorated, yes you are reading that right. Danced with my kids, played legos together, caught up with my mom on the phone (if you have ever called my house, you realize how difficult it is to have an entire conversation with me), fed the horses, played outside. What a great day! Was it because of my shiny sink? maybe. It's worth a little effort to see if it works.
We've also been dabbling with getting back on weight watchers. I've gained so much weight this year. I'm such a stress eater. So just by watching my portions and getting into that mindset, I've dropped 4 lbs. But we need to go gung-ho and really get to it. G is done with vb in the next few weeks and if we are doing WW, then even the holidays won't be a big deal. I now have a goal too: July 09. And inspiration. Some people use quotes to focus on their goal, keep on track, yada yada. Like the following:
Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and full of energy feels. (this is my old one btw)
One way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life. (yah, be skinny and have clothes that fit!)
Success is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process.
My new inspirational quote for summer of 09? Boobies on the Beach. We just decided that I will be joining G this summer for a few weeks in Israel and he informed me that there is a topless beach and EVERYONE is topless. Okay, I can work with this. Boobies on the Beach. Whatever works right?
Maybe I need to just focus on boobies in general. I recently went to Vickies to get sized. Yes, yes, this hails from my Oprah obsession from earlier this year when she did a show on wearing the right bra size. but seriously. Two kids later, I had no idea what size I was. The twins were in need of some TLC. So I had a family-free, hall pass kind of night shopping. I decided to check out our poor excuse for a mall. But what store did they actually have??? Victoria's Secret. That's when it hit me. I ran inside and got sized. SAY WHAT?!?! really I thought they measured me wrong. I felt like the cup was bigger than my face. I tried one on just so I could be all sly and say how wrong they were and how silly of them to think little teenage/20-somethings could be left with the big challenge of correctly measuring real sized women. And then it happened. It was a perfect fit. and damn it felt great. Okay little miss teenybopper size 0 thing, I guess you know how to do your job. I bought the bra and the twins were so happy. I swear I looked like I lost 10 lbs too.
Maybe after being propped up properly and perhaps, going back down to one of my many previous sizes I will have topless beach worthy boobies and a shiny sink. A girl can dream.
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