
My Mommy the Nanny

Our sitter was here yesterday; she comes every week for 2 hours. A little break for mommy and the kids ADORE her. I was watching them from afar, and loved seeing how relaxed she was with them. BigBoy playing with their wagon and a tree swing, the Babe sitting on the J's belly.

They love their time with her because she really doesn't ever tell them no. She plays whatever they want, pulls them in a wagon, runs around in a game of tag, and gets out Candy Land. Whatever they want. And does so happily.

I really wish I could be my kids' Nanny. How great would that be? We'd play, cuddle, take walks. Whatever they want But I can't. I have a house to deal with, meals to cook, potty training to finish, grocery shopping lists to create. And you know kids always save their "best behavior" for their parents. So I play mediator, more than tag. I clean real dishes instead of pretending to have a tea party in the play kitchen. I pick up toy after toy (after toy) instead of playing with them. I check email, write in my blog, attempt home school, pay bills, try to sneak in a phone call or two... while I go about my day. I love this article I recently saw on Facebook: What do you DO all day?

Could I be more like the Nanny and not the Mommy? I think it can be done. I think I could be more of a "Nanny" than the "Nag." But it would be a challenge for sure. Mainly, because if I were a Nanny, I would get breaks from them. And sick days. And vacations. And the biggie: GET PAID. Maybe that's why it's much more fun to be the sitter/Nanny instead of the mommy. But I can definitely try to have more Beyonce Dance Parties.

On the food side of things:
I'm going back to my old version of WW. This new program doesn't work for me, for my mindset. I eat more than I should. I try to hit 22 everyday, then don't worry much if I go over, using my 35 weekly points. I like my old version- a range of 20-24, with "bonus points" for the points I didn't use. I makes me mix it up more, some low point days, some higher. So my new points target is my old range: 20-24

Food journal for Wednesday:

egg & bacon bit sandwich, spinach, lc cheese- coffee w/milk 5
2 nana muffins 4
leftover salmon stir fry and "fried" rice, dt. coke 4
turkey pep. sammie, lc cheese- ww lemon cake 4
string cheese x2, ww yogurt 3

Table provided by Roni's Food Tweet, Eat, Post Generator.

Banked: 4 pts.

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